This section features public documents and files uploaded by the stakeholders and custodians of the Caspian Sea environment.
- Новые сведения по распространению и численности пресмыкающихся в избранных ландшафтах ТуркменистанаWed, 15/03/2023 - 08:01В основу статьи положены материалы собранные авторами за время весенне-летних экспедиционных маршрутов в 2018 г. по Центральным (26 апреля, 3 и 5-6 мая) и Заунгузским (26-27 апреля) Каракумам, Присарыкамышью, включая Сарыкамышскую впадину (28-29 апреля), плато Капланкыр (30 апреля, 1-2 мая), Западному Копетдагу и Машатским
- Description
В основу статьи положены материалы собранные авторами за время весенне-летних экспедиционных маршрутов в 2018 г. по Центральным (26 апреля, 3 и 5-6 мая) и Заунгузским (26-27 апреля) Каракумам, Присарыкамышью, включая Сарыкамышскую впадину (28-29 апреля), плато Капланкыр (30 апреля, 1-2 мая), Западному Копетдагу и Машатским пескам (7-11 мая), предгорьям Восточного Копетдага и пойме Теджена (6-7 июня), Бадхызу (8-9 июня), включая междуречье Кушки и Кашана (10 июня), Юго-Восточным Каракумам (11 июня) и Обручевской степи (12 июня), предгорной равнине Гаурдакских гор и Койтендагу (13-16 июня).
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- Year
- 2018
- Животный мир Туркменистана и его охранаWed, 15/03/2023 - 07:32Монография представляет собой эколого-фаунистическую сводку научно-популярного характера о животном мире Туркменистана и вопросам его охраны. Книга содержит обобщающие и детальные сведения по истории изучения позвоночных животных, особенностям среды их обитания, составу, эколого-фаунистическим и зоогеографическим характерис
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Монография представляет собой эколого-фаунистическую сводку научно-популярного характера о животном мире Туркменистана и вопросам его охраны. Книга содержит обобщающие и детальные сведения по истории изучения позвоночных животных, особенностям среды их обитания, составу, эколого-фаунистическим и зоогеографическим характеристикам, о роли позвоночных животных в экосистемах и жизни человека, биологическом разнообразии, его охране в целом и в частностях, включая систему особо охраняемых природных территорий Туркменистана.
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- Year
- 2011
- Состояние каспийского тюленя в Туркменском секторе Каспия, 2012-2021 гг.Wed, 15/03/2023 - 07:15В настоящей работе даётся анализ динамики численности каспийского тюленя в Туркменском секторе Каспийского моря. Показаны места встреч и данные учётов по сезонам и годам. Обсуждаются лимитирующие факторы, причины гибели и вопросы сохранения.
- Description
В настоящей работе даётся анализ динамики численности каспийского тюленя в Туркменском секторе Каспийского моря. Показаны места встреч и данные учётов по сезонам и годам. Обсуждаются лимитирующие факторы, причины гибели и вопросы сохранения.
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- Year
- 2021
- Международные экологические конвенции и договоры Туркменистана (правовые инструменты и институциональные механизмы обеспечения)Mon, 13/03/2023 - 17:10Настоящая монография посвящена международным экологическим договорам, участником которых является Туркменистан. В ней рассматриваются международная и национальная политика в области окружающей среды и устойчивого развития, международные обязательства страны по экологическим конвенциям и договорам, а также правовые инструмент
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Настоящая монография посвящена международным экологическим договорам, участником которых является Туркменистан. В ней рассматриваются международная и национальная политика в области окружающей среды и устойчивого развития, международные обязательства страны по экологическим конвенциям и договорам, а также правовые инструменты и институциональные механизмы, обеспечивающие выполнение этих международно-правовых документов. Монография представлена на туркменском и русском языках.
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- Year
- 2020
- Caspian Environment Monitoring Programme - 2012Mon, 20/02/2023 - 14:41Unified, Integrated and Affordable Caspian Environment Monitoring Programme Among the Contracting Parties to the Framework Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Caspian Sea was welcomed at COP4, Moscow, Russian Federation, 10-12 December 2012. The objectives of the EMP to develop a framework providi
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Unified, Integrated and Affordable Caspian Environment Monitoring Programme Among the Contracting Parties to the Framework Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Caspian Sea was welcomed at COP4, Moscow, Russian Federation, 10-12 December 2012.
The objectives of the EMP to develop a framework providing the necessary data and information on the Caspian environment in order to; initially provide data on the state of the Caspian environment, highlight pollution problems, provide biological related data which will support the broad objective of tracking changes of the health and diversity of ecosystems in, and adjacent to, the Caspian Sea.
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- Year
- 2012
- Draft Caspian Sea Plan Concerning Regional Cooperation in Combating Oil Pollution in Cases of EmergencyMon, 20/02/2023 - 14:36Draft Caspian Sea Plan Concerning Regional Cooperation in Combating Oil Pollution in Cases of Emergency (Aktau Protocol Implementation Plan). The arrangements in the Aktau Protocol Implementation Plan are intended to facilitate the development of joint response operations and to co-ordinate the use of the available resource
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Draft Caspian Sea Plan Concerning Regional Cooperation in Combating Oil Pollution in Cases of Emergency (Aktau Protocol Implementation Plan).
The arrangements in the Aktau Protocol Implementation Plan are intended to facilitate the development of joint response operations and to co-ordinate the use of the available resources in the region. They also outline in advance the financial conditions and administrative clauses of the actions, thus permitting rapid intervention in case of emergency by removing the need for lengthy negotiations during the course of the event.
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- Year
- 2019
- Strategy for Civil Society Engagement in the Caspian Sea Marine EnvironmentMon, 20/02/2023 - 14:22Strategy for Civil Society Engagement in the Protection of the Caspian Sea Marine Environment was presented at the COP3 in Aktau, Kazakhstan, 10–12 August 2011. It contains an analysis and a number of recommendations to improve access to information and participation in decision-making and action towards the implementation o
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Strategy for Civil Society Engagement in the Protection of the Caspian Sea Marine Environment was presented at the COP3 in Aktau, Kazakhstan, 10–12 August 2011. It contains an analysis and a number of recommendations to improve access to information and participation in decision-making and action towards the implementation of the Tehran Convention and its Protocols at the local, national and regional levels.
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- Year
- 2011
- Strategic Convention Action Programme (SCAP)Mon, 20/02/2023 - 14:16In accordance with Article 18 (2) of the Tehran Convention, the Parties developed the Strategic Convention Action Programme (SCAP). The SCAP is a comprehensive, long-term agenda and framework for the implementation of the Tehran Convention and its Protocols over a period of 10 years. It was adopted at COP 2 in Tehran, Iran,
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In accordance with Article 18 (2) of the Tehran Convention, the Parties developed the Strategic Convention Action Programme (SCAP). The SCAP is a comprehensive, long-term agenda and framework for the implementation of the Tehran Convention and its Protocols over a period of 10 years. It was adopted at COP 2 in Tehran, Iran, 10-12 November 2008.
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- Year
- 2008
- Rules of Procedure of the Tehran ConventionMon, 20/02/2023 - 14:10Rules of Procedure for the Conference of the Parties to the Framework Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Caspian Sea. Adopted at COP 2 in Tehran, Iran, 10-12 November 2008.
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Rules of Procedure for the Conference of the Parties to the Framework Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Caspian Sea. Adopted at COP 2 in Tehran, Iran, 10-12 November 2008.
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- Year
- 2008
- Financial Rules for the Administration of the Trust Fund for the Tehran ConventionMon, 20/02/2023 - 13:36Financial Rules for the Administration of the Trust Fund for the Framework Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Caspian Sea. Adopted at COP 1 in Baku, Azerbaijan, 23-25 May 2007.
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Financial Rules for the Administration of the Trust Fund for the Framework Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Caspian Sea.
Adopted at COP 1 in Baku, Azerbaijan, 23-25 May 2007.
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- Year
- 2007
- Draft Caspian Regional Action Plan on Marine LitterMon, 20/02/2023 - 12:33Marine litter, including plastic and microplastic, is a global concern affecting all the oceans and seas of the world. It poses environmental, economic, health and aesthetic problems that are rooted in poor solid waste management practices, lack of infrastructure, indiscriminate human activities and behaviours and an inadequ
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Marine litter, including plastic and microplastic, is a global concern affecting all the oceans and seas of the world. It poses environmental, economic, health and aesthetic problems that are rooted in poor solid waste management practices, lack of infrastructure, indiscriminate human activities and behaviours and an inadequate understanding on the part of the public of the potential consequences of their actions. Development of the Caspian Marine Litter Action Plan is embodied in the Moscow Protocol against pollution from land-based sources.
The preparation of the draft Caspian Regional Marine Litter Action Plan (CRMLAP) was undertaken by the national experts from the Caspian Sea littoral states and an international expert. For that purpose, five National Experts were contracted to provide their national inputs and contributions for the development of the Caspian Marine Litter Action Plan where the International Expert fully facilitates the development of the Caspian Marine Litter Action Plan.
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- Year
- 2020
- Agreement on Cooperation in the Field of Hydrometeorology of the Caspian SeaMon, 20/02/2023 - 10:04Agreement on Cooperation in the Field of Hydrometeorology of the Caspian Sea was signed on 29 September 2014 in Astrakhan, Russian Federation, during the Fourth Caspian Summit. The entry into force of the Agreement opens new opportunities not only for information exchange, but also for the interaction in other fields of hyd
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Agreement on Cooperation in the Field of Hydrometeorology of the Caspian Sea was signed on 29 September 2014 in Astrakhan, Russian Federation, during the Fourth Caspian Summit.
The entry into force of the Agreement opens new opportunities not only for information exchange, but also for the interaction in other fields of hydrometeorology ranging from carrying out of observations to forecasting of weather and climate.
The final output of this cooperation is ensuring the safety of navigation and other activities in the water area and on the coast, which depend on changes of weather and climate. Everyone working in the Caspian Sea needs accurate hydrometeorological forecasts, timely storm alerts and the information required to design hydraulic structures.
Alongside with this, hydrometeorological information is essential for environmental protection, conservation of Caspian Sea biodiversity and efficient use of its natural resources. Now hydrometeorologists and ecologists may interact more closely: due to the signing of the Agreement there emerged a legal basis for the cooperation with the Tehran Convention.
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- Year
- 2014
- Agreement on Cooperation in Emergency Prevention and response in the Caspian SeaMon, 20/02/2023 - 09:46Agreement on Cooperation in Emergency Prevention and response in the Caspian Sea was signed on 29 September 2014 in Astrakhan, Russian Federation, during the Fourth Caspian Summit. The cooperation in the field of civil protection in the Caspian Sea will contribute to disaster risk reduction and minimization of negative cons
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Agreement on Cooperation in Emergency Prevention and response in the Caspian Sea was signed on 29 September 2014 in Astrakhan, Russian Federation, during the Fourth Caspian Summit.
The cooperation in the field of civil protection in the Caspian Sea will contribute to disaster risk reduction and minimization of negative consequences of emergency situations of natural and man-made disasters in the Caspian Sea. The agreement allows informing about the risk of an emergency, which could affect the state on the other hand, sharing experiences in the field of forecasting and monitoring of emergency situations, as well as training of the population to act in their threat and occurrence as well as to train and prepare experts in the field of civil protection educational institutions of member states.
The document is presented in all languages.
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- Year
- 2014
- Agreement on Conservation and Rational Use of the Aquatic Biological Resources of the Caspian SeaMon, 20/02/2023 - 09:29Agreement on the conservation and sustainable use of aquatic biological resources of the Caspian Sea was signed on 29 September 2014 in Astrakhan, Russian Federation, during the Fourth Caspian Summit. The Parties agree upon cooperation on (i) giving priority to the conservation of aquatic biological resources, (ii) sustaina
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Agreement on the conservation and sustainable use of aquatic biological resources of the Caspian Sea was signed on 29 September 2014 in Astrakhan, Russian Federation, during the Fourth Caspian Summit.
The Parties agree upon cooperation on (i) giving priority to the conservation of aquatic biological resources, (ii) sustainable use of aquatic biological resources, (iii) application of accepted international rules, (iv) ecosystem preservation and biodiversity protection, (v) conservation of aquatic biological resources in scientific research and use this as a basis of common aquatic biological resources management, and (vi) taking measures for sustainable use and conservation of aquatic biological resources in the Caspian Sea and for management of common aquatic biological resources. The Parties shall develop the cooperation by research studies, data collection, exchange of scientific and technical documents, experience and information, preventive measures for illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing and by development of short, medium and long-term programs for aquatic production and for their reintroduction into their natural habitats.
The document is presented in all languages.
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- Year
- 2014
- Convention on the legal status of the Caspian SeaMon, 20/02/2023 - 08:56The Convention on the legal status of the Caspian Sea is a treaty signed in Aktau, Kazakhstan, on 12 August 2018 by the presidents of Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Iran and Turkmenistan.
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The Convention on the legal status of the Caspian Sea is a treaty signed in Aktau, Kazakhstan, on 12 August 2018 by the presidents of Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Iran and Turkmenistan.
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- Year
- 2018
- Определение геоэкологических границ распространения гребневика мнемиопсиса как потенциальной угрозы для биоразнообразия и продуктивности в казахстанском секторе Каспийского моряThu, 09/08/2018 - 15:08Целью работы является определение геоэкологических границ распространения гребневика мнемиопсиса как объекта, представляющего потенциальную угрозу для биоразнообразия и продуктивности в казахстанском секторе Каспийского моря
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Целью работы является определение геоэкологических границ распространения гребневика мнемиопсиса как объекта, представляющего потенциальную угрозу для биоразнообразия и продуктивности в казахстанском секторе Каспийского моря
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- Year
- 2014
- Каспий теңізіндегі балықтардың паразитфаунасыThu, 09/08/2018 - 13:12Каспийй теңізінде ауланған балықтардың 15 түрін ихтиопатологиялық зерттеу нәтижелері бойынша Anisakidae тұқымдасы жататын Anisakis, Contracaecum,Porrocecum тоғышарларының жаппай таралуы анықталады.
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Каспийй теңізінде ауланған балықтардың 15 түрін ихтиопатологиялық зерттеу нәтижелері бойынша Anisakidae тұқымдасы жататын Anisakis, Contracaecum,Porrocecum тоғышарларының жаппай таралуы анықталады.
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- Year
- 2009
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- Year
- 2005
- Современное состояние популяции севрюги Acipenser Stellatus (Pallas, 1776) реки УралTue, 24/07/2018 - 15:08Вестник АГТУ
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Вестник АГТУ
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- Year
- 2016
- Отчет по показателям по биоразнообразию КазахстанаTue, 24/07/2018 - 14:50Отчет по показателям по биоразнообразию Казахстана
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Отчет по показателям по биоразнообразию Казахстана
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- Year
- 2014

Новые сведения по распространению и численности пресмыкающихся в избранных ландшафтах Туркменистана

Животный мир Туркменистана и его охрана

Состояние каспийского тюленя в Туркменском секторе Каспия, 2012-2021 гг.

Международные экологические конвенции и договоры Туркменистана (правовые инструменты и институциональные механизмы обеспечения)

Caspian Environment Monitoring Programme - 2012

Draft Caspian Sea Plan Concerning Regional Cooperation in Combating Oil Pollution in Cases of Emergency

Strategy for Civil Society Engagement in the Caspian Sea Marine Environment

Strategic Convention Action Programme (SCAP)

Rules of Procedure of the Tehran Convention

Financial Rules for the Administration of the Trust Fund for the Tehran Convention

Draft Caspian Regional Action Plan on Marine Litter

Agreement on Cooperation in the Field of Hydrometeorology of the Caspian Sea

Agreement on Cooperation in Emergency Prevention and response in the Caspian Sea

Agreement on Conservation and Rational Use of the Aquatic Biological Resources of the Caspian Sea