This section features public documents and files uploaded by the stakeholders and custodians of the Caspian Sea environment.
- Turkmenistan Red Data Book Plants and FunghiWed, 11/07/2018 - 09:19The Red Data Book of Turkmenistan Volume 1: Plants and Fungi Ed. 3rd, Revised and updated — Ashgabat: Turkmenistan, 2011. — 288 pp. The Book contains data on 115 species of plants, described in the articles with the reference to the status, category, importance for the gene pool preservation, brief description, distributio
- Description
The Red Data Book of Turkmenistan
Volume 1: Plants and Fungi Ed. 3rd, Revised and updated — Ashgabat: Turkmenistan, 2011. — 288 pp.
The Book contains data on 115 species of plants, described in the articles with the reference to the status, category, importance for the gene pool preservation, brief description, distribution, habitat, number, biological peculiarities, limiting factors, information on the introduction in cultivation, applied and proposed conservation actions, as well research proposals.
The contents of the book includes 3 species of Fungi (Eumycota), 5 species of Lichens, 2 species of Bryophyta, 8 species of Polypodiophyta, 97 species of Magnolyophyta (Anglosperms). Each article is supported by a picture and a graphic map of the species distribution in Turkmenistan. The Book is intended for nature protection services, specialists in the field of botany and ecology, teachers and students of higher educational institutions and secondary schools as well as the broad range of readers interested in the country’s flora.
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- 2018
- Squatarola Grisea - Международная орнитологическая экспедицияTue, 10/07/2018 - 10:14Статья рассказывает о завершении осеннего сезона наблюдений за миграцией «краснокнижной» кречётки Международной орнитологической экспедиции. Кречетка - редкая водно-болотная птица, обитающая в степях Евразии. Птица молчалива, лишь изредка издаёт скрипящие звуки «кре-кре-кре», отсюда и название. Обитает в степях и полупустыня
- Description
Статья рассказывает о завершении осеннего сезона наблюдений за миграцией «краснокнижной» кречётки Международной орнитологической экспедиции. Кречетка - редкая водно-болотная птица, обитающая в степях Евразии. Птица молчалива, лишь изредка издаёт скрипящие звуки «кре-кре-кре», отсюда и название. Обитает в степях и полупустынях юга России, Центрального Казахстана, зимует на северо-востоке Африки, Ближнем Востоке, западе Индии, в Иране. Вид внесен в Красные книги МСОП, Туркменистана, Узбекистана, России и Казахстана. В настоящее время усилия учёных направлены на сохранение целостности комплекса экологических систем, где обитают такие редкие виды орнитофауны. Приблизительный подсчёт этого редкого вида в 2015 г. составил 3,5 тысячи особей.
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- 2018
- Fish Concentrations in the Turkmen part of the Caspian SeaTue, 05/06/2018 - 10:46Основные места концентрации белуги, севрюги, осетра, кефали, судака, сельдей, воблы, сазана и рыбец в Туркменском секторе Каспия.
- Description
Основные места концентрации белуги, севрюги, осетра, кефали, судака, сельдей, воблы, сазана и рыбец в Туркменском секторе Каспия.
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- Year
- 2018
- EIA Railway Kaz-Turkm-IranTue, 05/06/2018 - 10:41TKM: Proposed North-South Railway Project - Environmental Assessment Report. Based on its 2007 Presidential Decree, the Government of Turkmenistan (GT) signed a multilateral agreement in 2007, with its neighboring countries to construct new railway tracks to develop the North-South railway corridor for promoting regional tra
- Description
TKM: Proposed North-South Railway Project - Environmental Assessment Report. Based on its 2007 Presidential Decree, the Government of Turkmenistan (GT) signed a multilateral agreement in 2007, with its neighboring countries to construct new railway tracks to develop the North-South railway corridor for promoting regional trade, cooperation and integration. This is the region’s key route for transporting bulk goods, such as oil and oil products, mineral resources, agricultural products, and textiles.
The significance of the Project is that the proposed north-south railway line will improve Turkmenistan's accessibility to Kazakhstan, the Arabian Gulf countries, the Russian Federation, and South Asia; and increase regional trade. The Project will also contribute to sustainable economic growth in Turkmenistan and development of an integrated, efficient railway system in the region. The Project will reduce the transport cost, cut travel time, and improve accessibility to rural areas of the country. This will generate benefits beyond railway transport cost and time savings.
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- Year
- 2018

Turkmenistan Red Data Book Plants and Funghi

Squatarola Grisea - Международная орнитологическая экспедиция

Fish Concentrations in the Turkmen part of the Caspian Sea