This section features public documents and files uploaded by the stakeholders and custodians of the Caspian Sea environment.
- Financial Rules for the Administration of the Trust Fund for the Tehran ConventionMon, 20/02/2023 - 13:36Financial Rules for the Administration of the Trust Fund for the Framework Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Caspian Sea. Adopted at COP 1 in Baku, Azerbaijan, 23-25 May 2007.
- Description
Financial Rules for the Administration of the Trust Fund for the Framework Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Caspian Sea.
Adopted at COP 1 in Baku, Azerbaijan, 23-25 May 2007.
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- Year
- 2007
- Caspian Sea State of Environment Report - SoE 1 (2011)Fri, 17/02/2023 - 08:53The Caspian Sea, abundant with natural living and fossil resources, its coastal areas home to more than 15 million people, faces a series of environmental challenges. This State of the Caspian Sea Environment Report should be seen and considered as a first try out and starting point towards the creation of a shared environm
- Description
The Caspian Sea, abundant with natural living and fossil resources, its coastal areas home to more than 15 million people, faces a series of environmental challenges.
This State of the Caspian Sea Environment Report should be seen and considered as a first try out and starting point towards the creation of a shared environmental information system promoting and securing data collection, monitoring, analysis, harmonization and public communication in support of full implementation of the Tehran Convention and its protocols. We hope that it will improve the Caspian information base, enhance the quality, accessibility and relevance of data and ultimately, contribute to strengthening the regional environmental governance framework.
The Caspian Sea SoE 1 Report in higher resolution can be dowloaded here.
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- Year
- 2011
- Тенгизшевройл. 2011 год, первое полугодие.Fri, 10/08/2018 - 06:07Информционная газета ТОО "Тенгизшевройл"
- Description
Информционная газета ТОО "Тенгизшевройл"
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- Year
- 2011
- Некоторые пути решения эколого-правовых проблем Каспийского моряMon, 30/07/2018 - 07:05Вестник КАСУ №3-2007
- Description
Вестник КАСУ №3-2007
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- Year
- 2007
- Национальный доклад о состоянии окружающей среды в Республике КазахстанTue, 24/07/2018 - 15:01Национальный доклад о состоянии окружающей среды в Республике Казахстан в 2010 году
- Description
Национальный доклад о состоянии окружающей среды в Республике Казахстан в 2010 году
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- Year
- 2011
- Экологический кодекс Республики КазахстанMon, 23/07/2018 - 09:03нормативно-правовой документ Республики Казахстан
- Description
нормативно-правовой документ Республики Казахстан
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- Year
- 2007
- Caspian Environment Programme - Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis Revisit (2007)Tue, 12/06/2018 - 11:59The CEP TDA Revisit was completed in December 2007 following an intensive desk study of materials collected from the second phase of the Caspian Environment Programme. The intention of the CEP TDA Revisit is to provide a follow on review of the priority transboundary issues, to assess the efforts conducted during the CEP Pha
- Description
The CEP TDA Revisit was completed in December 2007 following an intensive desk study of materials collected from the second phase of the Caspian Environment Programme. The intention of the CEP TDA Revisit is to provide a follow on review of the priority transboundary issues, to assess the efforts conducted during the CEP Phase II implementation, and to extrapolate where additional efforts are warranted. The SAP and NСAPs are reviewed followed by an analysis of the priority areas of concern as identified in the SAP. The issues addressed in the TDA are: decline in biodiversity; decline in environmental quality (pollution); decline in bioresources (fisheries); decline in coastal infrastructure and habitat; and impacts of the oil industry in the region. This is supplemented by an analysis of governance mechanisms, socioeconomic conditions in the region, and stakeholder analysis and public involvement strategy.
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- Year
- 2007

Financial Rules for the Administration of the Trust Fund for the Tehran Convention

Caspian Sea State of Environment Report - SoE 1 (2011)
Тенгизшевройл. 2011 год, первое полугодие.
Некоторые пути решения эколого-правовых проблем Каспийского моря
Национальный доклад о состоянии окружающей среды в Республике Казахстан
Экологический кодекс Республики Казахстан