This section features public documents and files uploaded by the stakeholders and custodians of the Caspian Sea environment.
- Животный мир Туркменистана и его охранаWed, 15/03/2023 - 07:32Монография представляет собой эколого-фаунистическую сводку научно-популярного характера о животном мире Туркменистана и вопросам его охраны. Книга содержит обобщающие и детальные сведения по истории изучения позвоночных животных, особенностям среды их обитания, составу, эколого-фаунистическим и зоогеографическим характерис
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Монография представляет собой эколого-фаунистическую сводку научно-популярного характера о животном мире Туркменистана и вопросам его охраны. Книга содержит обобщающие и детальные сведения по истории изучения позвоночных животных, особенностям среды их обитания, составу, эколого-фаунистическим и зоогеографическим характеристикам, о роли позвоночных животных в экосистемах и жизни человека, биологическом разнообразии, его охране в целом и в частностях, включая систему особо охраняемых природных территорий Туркменистана.
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- Year
- 2011
- Caspian Environment Monitoring Programme - 2012Mon, 20/02/2023 - 14:41Unified, Integrated and Affordable Caspian Environment Monitoring Programme Among the Contracting Parties to the Framework Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Caspian Sea was welcomed at COP4, Moscow, Russian Federation, 10-12 December 2012. The objectives of the EMP to develop a framework providi
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Unified, Integrated and Affordable Caspian Environment Monitoring Programme Among the Contracting Parties to the Framework Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Caspian Sea was welcomed at COP4, Moscow, Russian Federation, 10-12 December 2012.
The objectives of the EMP to develop a framework providing the necessary data and information on the Caspian environment in order to; initially provide data on the state of the Caspian environment, highlight pollution problems, provide biological related data which will support the broad objective of tracking changes of the health and diversity of ecosystems in, and adjacent to, the Caspian Sea.
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- Year
- 2012
- Strategy for Civil Society Engagement in the Caspian Sea Marine EnvironmentMon, 20/02/2023 - 14:22Strategy for Civil Society Engagement in the Protection of the Caspian Sea Marine Environment was presented at the COP3 in Aktau, Kazakhstan, 10–12 August 2011. It contains an analysis and a number of recommendations to improve access to information and participation in decision-making and action towards the implementation o
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Strategy for Civil Society Engagement in the Protection of the Caspian Sea Marine Environment was presented at the COP3 in Aktau, Kazakhstan, 10–12 August 2011. It contains an analysis and a number of recommendations to improve access to information and participation in decision-making and action towards the implementation of the Tehran Convention and its Protocols at the local, national and regional levels.
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- Year
- 2011
- Caspian Sea State of Environment Report - SoE 1 (2011)Fri, 17/02/2023 - 08:53The Caspian Sea, abundant with natural living and fossil resources, its coastal areas home to more than 15 million people, faces a series of environmental challenges. This State of the Caspian Sea Environment Report should be seen and considered as a first try out and starting point towards the creation of a shared environm
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The Caspian Sea, abundant with natural living and fossil resources, its coastal areas home to more than 15 million people, faces a series of environmental challenges.
This State of the Caspian Sea Environment Report should be seen and considered as a first try out and starting point towards the creation of a shared environmental information system promoting and securing data collection, monitoring, analysis, harmonization and public communication in support of full implementation of the Tehran Convention and its protocols. We hope that it will improve the Caspian information base, enhance the quality, accessibility and relevance of data and ultimately, contribute to strengthening the regional environmental governance framework.
The Caspian Sea SoE 1 Report in higher resolution can be dowloaded here.
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- Year
- 2011
- Тенгизшевройл. Охрана окружающей средыFri, 10/08/2018 - 06:17Информационная газета ТОО "Тенгизшевройл"
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Информационная газета ТОО "Тенгизшевройл"
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- Year
- 2012
- Тенгизшевройл. 2011 год, первое полугодие.Fri, 10/08/2018 - 06:07Информционная газета ТОО "Тенгизшевройл"
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Информционная газета ТОО "Тенгизшевройл"
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- Year
- 2011
- Каспий және Арал теңіздерінің гидрологиялық режимдерінің өзгерісіMon, 30/07/2018 - 07:25«Еуразиялық интеграция: инновациялық бағдарламаларды жүзеге асырудағы ғылым мен білімнің рөлі» Халықаралық ғылыми-практикалық конференциясының МАТЕРИАЛДАРЫ II Бөлім
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«Еуразиялық интеграция: инновациялық бағдарламаларды жүзеге асырудағы ғылым мен білімнің рөлі» Халықаралық ғылыми-практикалық конференциясының МАТЕРИАЛДАРЫ II Бөлім
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- Year
- 2012
- Национальный доклад о состоянии окружающей среды в Республике КазахстанTue, 24/07/2018 - 15:01Национальный доклад о состоянии окружающей среды в Республике Казахстан в 2010 году
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Национальный доклад о состоянии окружающей среды в Республике Казахстан в 2010 году
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- Year
- 2011
- Современные экологические проблемы и состояние биоресурсов казахстанской части Каспийского моряMon, 23/07/2018 - 07:52Рассматривается биоэкологическое состояние казахстанского сектора моря. Выявлено загрязнение морской среды различными токсичными соединениями, ухудшение среды обитания, условий воспроизводства и снижение запасов осетровых видов рыб и тюленей. Даны рекомендации по улучшению качества морской среды и сохранению биоразнообразия.
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Рассматривается биоэкологическое состояние казахстанского сектора моря. Выявлено загрязнение морской среды различными токсичными соединениями, ухудшение среды обитания, условий воспроизводства и снижение запасов осетровых видов рыб и тюленей. Даны рекомендации по улучшению качества морской среды и сохранению биоразнообразия.
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- Year
- 2012
- Statistical Yearbook, Kazakhstan in 2011Mon, 09/07/2018 - 11:55Statistical data of the Republic of Kazakhstan
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Statistical data of the Republic of Kazakhstan
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- Year
- 2011
- Осложнение экологической ситуации Прикаспийского региона Республики КазахстанSun, 08/07/2018 - 22:26статья КазНУ Вестник
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статья КазНУ Вестник
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- Year
- 2012
- "Оценка ледовых условий в казахстанском секторе Каспийского моря"Sun, 08/07/2018 - 22:08отчет Департамента "Зеленой экономики"
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отчет Департамента "Зеленой экономики"
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- Year
- 2012
- Информационный бюллетень о состоянии окружающей среды Республики КазахстанSun, 08/07/2018 - 19:21Информирование о состоянии окружающей среды на территории Республики Казахстан и оценка эффективности мероприятий в области охраны окружающей среды
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Информирование о состоянии окружающей среды на территории Республики Казахстан и оценка эффективности мероприятий в области охраны окружающей среды
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- Year
- 2012
- Информационный бюллетень о состоянии окружающей среды Республики КазахстанSun, 08/07/2018 - 19:03Информирование о состоянии окружающей среды на территории Республики Казахстан и оценка эффективности мероприятий в области охраны окружающей среды
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Информирование о состоянии окружающей среды на территории Республики Казахстан и оценка эффективности мероприятий в области охраны окружающей среды
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- Year
- 2011
- Article - Effects of Caspian Sea water level fluctuations on existing drainsMon, 23/04/2018 - 19:18This study is an attempt to develop an integrated methodology to predict the impact of the Caspian Sea on flooding using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and hydrodynamic modeling. A rise in the sea level might lead to major flooding events, and have a severe impact on the spatial development of cities and regions. The f
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This study is an attempt to develop an integrated methodology to predict the impact of the Caspian Sea on flooding using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and hydrodynamic modeling. A rise in the sea level might lead to major flooding events, and have a severe impact on the spatial development of cities and regions. The feasibility of simulating a flood event along a drain channel is evaluated near residential development areas along the Chapakroud drain.
The study shows that at these elevations environmental and social problems arise with regards to the drain. The results also indicate that GIS is an effective tool for floodplain visualization and analysis. It should be noted that the mixture of salt and soft water, as a result of rising sea water level, is a problem that was not investigated in this study and should be examined in the future.
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- Year
- 2011
- National Convention Action Plan NCAP 2012Sun, 22/04/2018 - 20:06National Convention Action Plan NCAP of the five Parties - Year 2012+9
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National Convention Action Plan NCAP of the five Parties - Year 2012
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- Year
- 2012
- Article - Review of the status of invasive species, with special focus on the most invasive species Mnemiopsis leidyi A.Agassiz, 1865 and their effects on the Caspian ecosystemSun, 22/04/2018 - 16:13The main focus of review: To determine the Status of invasive species with special attention to the most aggressive invader Mnemiopsis leidyi in the Caspian Sea. Objectives: 1. To assess vectors, pathways of invasive species introduction, their composition and their role in the Caspian ecosystem. 2. To analyze seasonal an
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The main focus of review: To determine the Status of invasive species with special attention to the most aggressive invader Mnemiopsis leidyi in the Caspian Sea.
1. To assess vectors, pathways of invasive species introduction, their composition and their role in the Caspian ecosystem.
2. To analyze seasonal and interannual dynamics of the Mnemiopsis leidyi population in the all areas of the Caspian Sea; its impacts on the Caspian ecosystem including food recourses (zooplankton) and fish stocks along with other emerging environmental threats such as increased nutrient load from the coast, structural and quantitative changes in phyto-and-zooplankton communities, the appearance of harmful algal bloom (HAB) in the Southern Caspian.
3. To prepare recommendations for follow-up actions on invasive species management: - for the protection and control of the Caspian Sea from any sources of accidental invasive species introductions - for possibility of biological control of invader Mnemiopsis leidyi.
The primary source of this Review has been national reports from every of the five Caspian littoral countries, which included results of national observations of ecosystem state and biodiversity of the Caspian Sea. But due to fragmental data of the national observations on invasive species
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- Year
- 2011
- Celebration of Caspian Day in Turkmenistan: Final ReportSun, 22/04/2018 - 07:45Objectives of the project included the organization and performance of the coast-wide awareness campaign in Turkmenbashi and Awaza area devoted to the Caspian Sea Day celebration. The project was prepared and agreed with the program of Celebration with the Ministry of Nature Protection of Turkmenistan, which supposed to be h
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Objectives of the project included the organization and performance of the coast-wide awareness campaign in Turkmenbashi and Awaza area devoted to the Caspian Sea Day celebration. The project was prepared and agreed with the program of Celebration with the Ministry of Nature Protection of Turkmenistan, which supposed to be held in hotel “Dayanch” on the Caspian coast. The events were planned for August 10-11, 2012. However due to force-major reasons, upon arrival of participants of the event to Turkmenbashy city, the organizers were asked to postpone the event. It was decided to perform it in Ashgabat at the premises of the Institute of Deserts. Due to the summer beach time, it was impossible to change tickets and go back to Ashgabat earlier. Thus the Caspian Day event was then again prepared and performed in Ashgabat.
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- Year
- 2012
- Akzhaiyk Reserve General InformationSat, 21/04/2018 - 11:16State Nature Reserve "Akzhaiyk" (Kazakh "Aқzhayyқ" memlekettіk tabiғi reserves) is located in the Makhambet Atyrau region, in the surrounding lands outside the city of Atyrau. It was created by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan on February 6, 2009 in the delta of the Ural River and the adjacent coast of the Caspia
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State Nature Reserve "Akzhaiyk" (Kazakh "Aқzhayyқ" memlekettіk tabiғi reserves) is located in the Makhambet Atyrau region, in the surrounding lands outside the city of Atyrau. It was created by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan on February 6, 2009 in the delta of the Ural River and the adjacent coast of the Caspian Sea. [1] The Ural River Delta and the adjacent coast of the Caspian Sea is included in the list of wetlands of international importance. The reserve was the second Kazakh territory after the Tengiz-Korgalzhyn lake system, which went down in the list. The hydrological regime is characterized by a gradual rise the water level in the Ural River in the second half of April, with the transition in May-June in spring and summer, with a peak at the end of May or the first half of of June. After the first flood peak starts fast and then gradual decline, passing in August and September in the autumn low water.
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- Year
- 2012
- Central Azeri Environmental Survey July 2010 AmC Project 10502Tue, 17/04/2018 - 15:02Sampling was conducted from the vessel Svetlomor 2 by personnel from AmC, the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources (MENR) and SOCAR. Sediment samples for physical and chemical analysis consisted of 2 replicates, while 3 replicates were taken for biological analyses. Analyses were carried out at AmC Caspian Environmental+5
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Sampling was conducted from the vessel Svetlomor 2 by personnel from AmC, the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources (MENR) and SOCAR. Sediment samples for physical and chemical analysis consisted of 2 replicates, while 3 replicates were taken for biological analyses. Analyses were carried out at AmC Caspian Environmental Laboratory.
Sediments around Central Azeri were very poorly sorted, the majority being a mixture of sand and gravel. At many stations, the two replicates were substantially different, indicating patchiness of physical characteristics on a small spatial scale (metres).
LAO was detected at 7 stations in 2010. There was little evidence of change at the majority of stations, and the overall area within which LAO was observed remains very similar to that observed in previous surveys. In general the hydrocarbon concentrations were low or very low and UCM and NPD content were indicative of weathered material being present throughout the survey area.
For the majority of trace metals the data show no clear trends or gradients which could be associated with platform activities. Three elements – barium, cadmium, and lead – exhibited very similar concentration patterns. These were the only elements which indicated a ‘footprint’ which was spatially related to the platform location. A similar association was evident in the 2008 data.
The macrobenthic community was numerically dominated by amphipods which were also the most taxonomically rich group. There was a general tendency towards lower species richness and abundance at stations to the north of, and immediately to the south of, the platform, as was also noted in 2008.
The 2010 data for sediment composition, chemistry and macrobenthic biology suggest that there is an area immediately around the platform in which some degree of sediment alteration is present, and where there is a slightly lower macrobenthic community biomass and diversity relative to more distant stations. However, there are no stations which could be considered biologically impoverished compared to previous surveys.
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- Year
- 2012

Животный мир Туркменистана и его охрана

Caspian Environment Monitoring Programme - 2012

Strategy for Civil Society Engagement in the Caspian Sea Marine Environment

Caspian Sea State of Environment Report - SoE 1 (2011)
Тенгизшевройл. Охрана окружающей среды
Тенгизшевройл. 2011 год, первое полугодие.
Каспий және Арал теңіздерінің гидрологиялық режимдерінің өзгерісі
Национальный доклад о состоянии окружающей среды в Республике Казахстан
Современные экологические проблемы и состояние биоресурсов казахстанской части Каспийского моря
Statistical Yearbook, Kazakhstan in 2011
Осложнение экологической ситуации Прикаспийского региона Республики Казахстан
"Оценка ледовых условий в казахстанском секторе Каспийского моря"
Информационный бюллетень о состоянии окружающей среды Республики Казахстан
Информационный бюллетень о состоянии окружающей среды Республики Казахстан

Article - Effects of Caspian Sea water level fluctuations on existing drains

National Convention Action Plan NCAP 2012

Article - Review of the status of invasive species, with special focus on the most invasive species Mnemiopsis leidyi A.Agassiz, 1865 and their effects on the Caspian ecosystem

Celebration of Caspian Day in Turkmenistan: Final Report

Akzhaiyk Reserve General Information