This section features public documents and files uploaded by the stakeholders and custodians of the Caspian Sea environment.
- National Caspian Action Plan of Azerbaijan RepublicFri, 20/04/2018 - 15:31
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- Year
- 2007
- Statistical Yearbook of Azerbaijan 2015Fri, 20/04/2018 - 15:25Being an annual official statistical issue reflecting processes occurred in social, economic, demographic and ecological life of the country the yearbook is prepared based on data of statistical report forms, censuses, sample surveys and other statistical observation forms received by statistical bodies from enterprises, org
- Description
Being an annual official statistical issue reflecting processes occurred in social, economic, demographic and ecological life of the country the yearbook is prepared based on data of statistical report forms, censuses, sample surveys and other statistical observation forms received by statistical bodies from enterprises, organizations, households and natural entities as well as from ministries, committees, departments and international organizations.
The Statistical Yearbook reflecting social-economic indicators of 2014 in comparison with indicators of 2005-2013 will meet data requirements of widerange of readers and other users.
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- Year
- 2015
- Several events held on the occasion of “Caspian Day” in AzerbaijanMon, 16/04/2018 - 14:15On August 11, 2017, a number of events were held by the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Azerbaijan (MENR) connected with the 12 August – “Caspian Day” for the purpose of raising public awareness with regard to the problems and conservation of the Caspian Sea. A meeting was held at MENR by way of
- Description
On August 11, 2017, a number of events were held by the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Azerbaijan (MENR) connected with the 12 August – “Caspian Day” for the purpose of raising public awareness with regard to the problems and conservation of the Caspian Sea. A meeting was held at MENR by way of the discussion of environmental issues of the Caspian Sea, implemented works and mechanism of involvement of the public in the protection of the Caspian Sea with the participation of certain governmental bodies, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), as well as the youth. Furthermore, a cleansing action was conducted at the coastal zone of Novkhani beach in order to increase the public role, and strengthen the collaboration with public on the betterment of the environmental state of the Caspian Sea and its littoral zone. It should be noted that 2 hectare area was cleaned during the cleansing action, and the collected wastes were recycled. The main objective of the celebration of “Caspian Day” is the strengths mobilization on the protection of the Caspian Sea environment from pollution, conservation, restoration, sustainable and effective use of biological resources of the sea, and public enlightenment in this sphere.
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- Year
- 2018
National Caspian Action Plan of Azerbaijan Republic
Statistical Yearbook of Azerbaijan 2015