This section features public documents and files uploaded by the stakeholders and custodians of the Caspian Sea environment.
- Convention on the legal status of the Caspian SeaMon, 20/02/2023 - 08:56The Convention on the legal status of the Caspian Sea is a treaty signed in Aktau, Kazakhstan, on 12 August 2018 by the presidents of Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Iran and Turkmenistan.
- Description
The Convention on the legal status of the Caspian Sea is a treaty signed in Aktau, Kazakhstan, on 12 August 2018 by the presidents of Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Iran and Turkmenistan.
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- Year
- 2018
- Колебания уровня каспийского моря и диагностика современных изменений положения береговой линии по спутниковым данным Landsat периода 2005…2015 годовThu, 09/08/2018 - 13:45Рассмотрены вопросы, связанные с проблемой колебаний уровня Каспийского моря и их влияний на прибрежную зону казах-станского сектора. По данным картирования спутниковых снимков площадь осушения в северо-восточной части Каспийского моря в период между 2005 и 2015 гг. составила 5055 км2. В некоторых районах море отступило на 2
- Description
Рассмотрены вопросы, связанные с проблемой колебаний уровня Каспийского моря и их влияний на прибрежную зону казах-станского сектора. По данным картирования спутниковых снимков площадь осушения в северо-восточной части Каспийского моря в период между 2005 и 2015 гг. составила 5055 км2. В некоторых районах море отступило на 25 км
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- Year
- 2015
- Қазіргі таңдағы Каспий теңізінің экологиялық жағдайыThu, 09/08/2018 - 12:52Алматы технологиялық университетінің хабаршысы. 2018. №1.
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Алматы технологиялық университетінің хабаршысы. 2018. №1.
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- Year
- 2018
- Экологическое состояние водной толщи вокруг месторождения КашаганMon, 30/07/2018 - 07:29Исследования, проведенные в летний период 2012 г., показали, что состояние загрязнения водной толщи месторождения Кашаган, расположенного в шельфовой зоне Северного Каспия, до коммерческой добычи нефти находится в пределах возможности самоочищения морской среды.
- Description
Исследования, проведенные в летний период 2012 г., показали, что состояние загрязнения водной толщи месторождения Кашаган, расположенного в шельфовой зоне Северного Каспия, до коммерческой добычи нефти находится в пределах возможности самоочищения морской среды.
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- Year
- 2014
- Каспий және Арал теңіздерінің гидрологиялық режимдерінің өзгерісіMon, 30/07/2018 - 07:25«Еуразиялық интеграция: инновациялық бағдарламаларды жүзеге асырудағы ғылым мен білімнің рөлі» Халықаралық ғылыми-практикалық конференциясының МАТЕРИАЛДАРЫ II Бөлім
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«Еуразиялық интеграция: инновациялық бағдарламаларды жүзеге асырудағы ғылым мен білімнің рөлі» Халықаралық ғылыми-практикалық конференциясының МАТЕРИАЛДАРЫ II Бөлім
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- Year
- 2012
- Об охране, воспроизводстве и использовании животного мираMon, 23/07/2018 - 09:00нормативно-правовой документ Республики Казахстан
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нормативно-правовой документ Республики Казахстан
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- Year
- 2003
- Nature Protection Law of Turkmenistan / Охрана окружающей среды и природопользование в ТуркменистанеTue, 17/07/2018 - 10:16This publication is prepared within the framework of the OSCE project "Aarhus Center in Ashgabat." The project supports implementation of the Aarhus Convention in Turkmenistan through National Aarhus Center, which is designed to facilitate access the public to environmental information, participation in decisions related to
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This publication is prepared within the framework of the OSCE project "Aarhus Center in Ashgabat." The project supports implementation of the Aarhus Convention in Turkmenistan through National Aarhus Center, which is designed to facilitate access the public to environmental information, participation in decisions related to environmental issues and access to justice in matters relating to the environment. This collection of legislative acts is directed toward environmental organizations, public associations and citizens, interested in legislation in the field of environmental protection environment and nature management, as well as state bodies, in order to ensure public access to participation in nature protection. Compiler of the collection and the author of the preface is Kepbanov Y.A., Candidate of Legal Sciences.
Настоящее издание подготовлено в рамках проекта ОБСЕ «Орхус-центр в Ашхабаде». Проект предусматривает поддержку выполнения Орхусской конвенции в Туркменистане через Национальный Орхус-центр, который призван содействовать доступу общественности к экологической информации, участию в принятии решений, связанных с экологическими вопросами и доступу к правосудию по вопросам, касающимся окружающей среды. Настоящий сборник законодательных актов ориентирован на природоохранные организации, общественные объединения и граждан, интересующихся законодательством в области охраны окружающей среды и природопользования, а также государственные органы, обеспечивающие доступ общественности к участию в мероприятиях в области охраны природы. Составитель сборника и автор предисловия Кепбанов Ё.А. – кандидат юридических наук.
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- Year
- 2015
- "Оценка ледовых условий в казахстанском секторе Каспийского моря"Sun, 08/07/2018 - 22:08отчет Департамента "Зеленой экономики"
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отчет Департамента "Зеленой экономики"
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- Year
- 2012
- Caspian Environment Programme - Regional Water Quality Monitoring (2009)Tue, 12/06/2018 - 11:51This Regional Water Quality Monitoring Programme has been developed as part of the project “Caspian Water Quality Monitoring and Action Plan for Areas of Pollution Concern’s (Caspian MAP)”. This project has been financed by the Tacis Programme of the European Union (EU) which amongst others promotes regional co-operation on
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This Regional Water Quality Monitoring Programme has been developed as part of the project “Caspian Water Quality Monitoring and Action Plan for Areas of Pollution Concern’s (Caspian MAP)”. This project has been financed by the Tacis Programme of the European Union (EU) which amongst others promotes regional co-operation on environmental protection. On of the main objectives of the Caspian MAP is to support the Caspian Environment Programme (CEP), which is a partnership between the five littoral states - Azerbaijan, Islamic Republic of Iran, Kazakhstan, Russian Federation and Turkmenistan, and International Partners like EU, UNDP, UNEP, and the World Bank. The CEP's mission is to assist the Caspian littoral states to achieve the goal of environmentally sustainable development and management of the Caspian environment for the sake of long-term benefit for the Caspian inhabitants.
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- Year
- 2009
- Caspian Environment Programme - Regional Pollution Action Plan (2009)Tue, 12/06/2018 - 11:48The Regional Pollution Action Plan for the Caspian Sea (RPAP), has been prepared as part of the project “Caspian Water Quality Monitoring and Action Plan for Areas of Pollution Concern’s (hereafter: Caspian MAP)”. The project is financed by the Tacis Programme of the European Union (EU), which has as one of its objectives th
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The Regional Pollution Action Plan for the Caspian Sea (RPAP), has been prepared as part of the project “Caspian Water Quality Monitoring and Action Plan for Areas of Pollution Concern’s (hereafter: Caspian MAP)”. The project is financed by the Tacis Programme of the European Union (EU), which has as one of its objectives the promotion of regional co-operation on environmental protection. The overall objective of the Caspian MAP is to achieve improved quality of the marine and coastal environment of the Caspian Sea. In particular, the RPAP (current Report) provides recommendations to regional strategies for pollution reduction, with a focus on the identified Areas of Pollution Concern. The Caspian MAP also developed a proposal for a Regional Water Quality Monitoring Program.
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- Year
- 2009
- Caspian Environment Programme - Contaminants from Terek River into Caspian Sea (2007)Tue, 12/06/2018 - 11:43In the frame of the current Project the estimation on contents of nutrients, petroleum hydrocarbons, phenols and heavy metals in water and bottom sediments in the basins of rivers Terek, Sulak and Samur over the last years was carried out. Research was conducted within a framework of the State Monitoring Programme on Roshydr
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In the frame of the current Project the estimation on contents of nutrients, petroleum hydrocarbons, phenols and heavy metals in water and bottom sediments in the basins of rivers Terek, Sulak and Samur over the last years was carried out. Research was conducted within a framework of the State Monitoring Programme on Roshydromet in the central and lower parts of the Terek delta. The data of Roshydromet standard investigations was used to assess the concentration of pollutants, namely petroleum hydrocarbons, heavy metals, phenols, detergents, nutrients (nitrites, nitrates, ammonium and total nitrogen) and silicates, and also expenditure of river water during the estimation of their flows at hydrological Karagalinsky hydro system and
Alikazgan stations in the Terek delta. The Roshydromet data cover the period 2002-2005.- Attached documents
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- Year
- 2007
- Caspian Environmental Programme - Study and Survey Project to Determine the Fluxes of Major Contaminants from the Kura to Caspian Sea (2005)Tue, 12/06/2018 - 11:39The Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Azerbaijan and Caspian Environment Programme by supporting of UNDP agreed with NGO "Ruzgyar" to organize of 1st professional level monitoring of POPs in Kura-Araks basin till Caspian Sea. "Ruzgyar" contracted professional environmental research company "Azecolab" to implem
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The Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Azerbaijan and Caspian Environment Programme by supporting of UNDP agreed with NGO "Ruzgyar" to organize of 1st professional level monitoring of POPs in Kura-Araks basin till Caspian Sea. "Ruzgyar" contracted professional environmental research company "Azecolab" to implement of standard sampling and lab analytical processes.
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- Year
- 2005
- Map of Caspian River BasinTue, 05/06/2018 - 12:07Map of the Caspian River Basin. Produced by Manana Kurtrubadze
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Map of the Caspian River Basin.
Produced by Manana Kurtrubadze
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- Year
- 2018
- Recent Oil Spill Preparedness Developments in the Caspian Sea RegionMon, 23/04/2018 - 19:12Natural seeps and easily exploited surface deposits of crude oil on land have been utilized in the Caspian Sea region earlier than 300 BC. The modern-day picture is a region with oil reserves of global importance, facing a key challenge of the transportation of crude oil to markets. There has been considerable focus on devel
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Natural seeps and easily exploited surface deposits of crude oil on land have been utilized in the Caspian Sea region earlier than 300 BC. The modern-day picture is a region with oil reserves of global importance, facing a key challenge of the transportation of crude oil to markets. There has been considerable focus on developing oil spill preparedness in the Caspian Sea region. This has involved the governments, regional bodies, the oil industry and a range of other stakeholders and international organizations (notably UNEP, IMO and OSCE). This effort is in addition to the primary focus on preventing spills.
Countries are developing and implementing National Contingency Plans in order to have effective national response systems, which also act as the basis for regional cooperation.
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- Year
- 2015

Convention on the legal status of the Caspian Sea
Колебания уровня каспийского моря и диагностика современных изменений положения береговой линии по спутниковым данным Landsat периода 2005…2015 годов
Қазіргі таңдағы Каспий теңізінің экологиялық жағдайы
Экологическое состояние водной толщи вокруг месторождения Кашаган
Каспий және Арал теңіздерінің гидрологиялық режимдерінің өзгерісі
Об охране, воспроизводстве и использовании животного мира

Nature Protection Law of Turkmenistan / Охрана окружающей среды и природопользование в Туркменистане
"Оценка ледовых условий в казахстанском секторе Каспийского моря"

Caspian Environment Programme - Regional Water Quality Monitoring (2009)

Caspian Environment Programme - Regional Pollution Action Plan (2009)

Caspian Environment Programme - Contaminants from Terek River into Caspian Sea (2007)

Caspian Environmental Programme - Study and Survey Project to Determine the Fluxes of Major Contaminants from the Kura to Caspian Sea (2005)

Map of Caspian River Basin