This section features public documents and files uploaded by the stakeholders and custodians of the Caspian Sea environment.
- Nature Protection Law of Turkmenistan / Охрана окружающей среды и природопользование в ТуркменистанеTue, 17/07/2018 - 10:16This publication is prepared within the framework of the OSCE project "Aarhus Center in Ashgabat." The project supports implementation of the Aarhus Convention in Turkmenistan through National Aarhus Center, which is designed to facilitate access the public to environmental information, participation in decisions related to
- Description
This publication is prepared within the framework of the OSCE project "Aarhus Center in Ashgabat." The project supports implementation of the Aarhus Convention in Turkmenistan through National Aarhus Center, which is designed to facilitate access the public to environmental information, participation in decisions related to environmental issues and access to justice in matters relating to the environment. This collection of legislative acts is directed toward environmental organizations, public associations and citizens, interested in legislation in the field of environmental protection environment and nature management, as well as state bodies, in order to ensure public access to participation in nature protection. Compiler of the collection and the author of the preface is Kepbanov Y.A., Candidate of Legal Sciences.
Настоящее издание подготовлено в рамках проекта ОБСЕ «Орхус-центр в Ашхабаде». Проект предусматривает поддержку выполнения Орхусской конвенции в Туркменистане через Национальный Орхус-центр, который призван содействовать доступу общественности к экологической информации, участию в принятии решений, связанных с экологическими вопросами и доступу к правосудию по вопросам, касающимся окружающей среды. Настоящий сборник законодательных актов ориентирован на природоохранные организации, общественные объединения и граждан, интересующихся законодательством в области охраны окружающей среды и природопользования, а также государственные органы, обеспечивающие доступ общественности к участию в мероприятиях в области охраны природы. Составитель сборника и автор предисловия Кепбанов Ё.А. – кандидат юридических наук.
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- Year
- 2015
- Пернатые гости города (эссе) - Feathery Guests EssayMon, 09/07/2018 - 12:43Документ содержит два эссе о птицах Туркменского побережья Каспийского моря: 1) "Пернатые гости города"; 2) "Летите, птицы, к нам на Каспий!".
- Description
Документ содержит два эссе о птицах Туркменского побережья Каспийского моря:
1) "Пернатые гости города";
2) "Летите, птицы, к нам на Каспий!".
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- Year
- 2018
- Каспий теңізінің теңіз ортасын қорғау жөніндегі негіздемелік конвенциясын орындау туралы қазақстан республикасының баяндамасыSun, 08/07/2018 - 23:03Қазақстанның Тегеран конвенциясының міндеттемелерін орындау жөніндегі қызметіне шолу
- Description
Қазақстанның Тегеран конвенциясының міндеттемелерін орындау жөніндегі қызметіне шолу
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- Year
- 2013
- Caspian Environment Programme - Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis Revisit (2007)Tue, 12/06/2018 - 11:59The CEP TDA Revisit was completed in December 2007 following an intensive desk study of materials collected from the second phase of the Caspian Environment Programme. The intention of the CEP TDA Revisit is to provide a follow on review of the priority transboundary issues, to assess the efforts conducted during the CEP Pha
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The CEP TDA Revisit was completed in December 2007 following an intensive desk study of materials collected from the second phase of the Caspian Environment Programme. The intention of the CEP TDA Revisit is to provide a follow on review of the priority transboundary issues, to assess the efforts conducted during the CEP Phase II implementation, and to extrapolate where additional efforts are warranted. The SAP and NСAPs are reviewed followed by an analysis of the priority areas of concern as identified in the SAP. The issues addressed in the TDA are: decline in biodiversity; decline in environmental quality (pollution); decline in bioresources (fisheries); decline in coastal infrastructure and habitat; and impacts of the oil industry in the region. This is supplemented by an analysis of governance mechanisms, socioeconomic conditions in the region, and stakeholder analysis and public involvement strategy.
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- Year
- 2007
- Caspian Environment Programme - Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis for the Caspian Sea. Vol. 2 (2002)Tue, 12/06/2018 - 11:55This volume aims to provide background information on the Caspian Sea in order to support the recommendations in the National Caspian Action Plans (NCAPs) and the Strategic Action Programme (SAP). Thus, this TDA is not merely a State of the Environment report, but also a look into the future based on the current political si
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This volume aims to provide background information on the Caspian Sea in order to support the recommendations in the National Caspian Action Plans (NCAPs) and the Strategic Action Programme (SAP). Thus, this TDA is not merely a State of the Environment report, but also a look into the future based on the current political situation, socio-economic conditions, and legal/regulatory framework.
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- Year
- 2002
- Caspian Environment Programme - Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis for the Caspian Sea. Vol. 1: Executive Summary and Environmental Quality Objectives (2002)Tue, 12/06/2018 - 11:54This TDA relies on and benefits from the dedicated work of numerous individuals, agencies, institutes, projects and corporations. The major building blocks are the studies and research works conducted and carried out by the Caspian Regional Thematic Centres. These works have been mostly produced by the national experts of th
- Description
This TDA relies on and benefits from the dedicated work of numerous individuals, agencies, institutes, projects and corporations. The major building blocks are the studies and research works conducted and
carried out by the Caspian Regional Thematic Centres. These works have been mostly produced by the national experts of the Caspian countries and have been effectively led and substantially assisted by the National Focal Points (NFPs) and the Management Advisory Group and Inter-sectoral Assistants (MAGICAs). Production of the TDA would have not been possible without the efficient project execution assistance of UNOPS. The overall conceptualization, design, production monitoring and editing of the TDA has been led by the Programme Coordination Unit (PCU) including the Data and Information Management Theme in Baku, Azerbaijan.- Attached documents
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- Year
- 2002
- Map of Sediments of the Caspian SeaTue, 05/06/2018 - 14:46Map of Sediments in the Caspian Sea Region produced by Manana Kurtrubadze.
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Map of Sediments in the Caspian Sea Region produced by Manana Kurtrubadze.
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- Year
- 2018
- Map of Population by Number and Cities in the Caspian SeaTue, 05/06/2018 - 12:35Map of Population by Number and Cities in the Caspian Sea Produced by Manana Kurtrubadze for the SOE 2018
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Map of Population by Number and Cities in the Caspian Sea
Produced by Manana Kurtrubadze for the SOE 2018
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- Year
- 2018
- Oil Production & Consumption 2006-2016Tue, 05/06/2018 - 12:26Oil Production & Consumption 2006-2016 Produced by Manana Kurtrubadze for the SOE 2018.
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Oil Production & Consumption 2006-2016
Produced by Manana Kurtrubadze for the SOE 2018.
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- Year
- 2018
- Natural Gas Production and Consumption 2006-2016Tue, 05/06/2018 - 12:23Natural Gas Production and Consumption. Produced by Manana Kurtrubadze for the SOE 2018.
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Natural Gas Production and Consumption.
Produced by Manana Kurtrubadze for the SOE 2018.
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- Year
- 2018
- Map of Caspian River BasinTue, 05/06/2018 - 12:07Map of the Caspian River Basin. Produced by Manana Kurtrubadze
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Map of the Caspian River Basin.
Produced by Manana Kurtrubadze
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- Year
- 2018
- Turkmenbashi Port Master PlanTue, 05/06/2018 - 11:31The objective of the project is to assist Turkmenistan in diversifying and improving its access to world markets. The project involves trade facilitation and corporatization of the client, introducing the concepts of accountability and cost recovery in readiness for TSA's conversion into a commercially managed autonomous ent
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The objective of the project is to assist Turkmenistan in diversifying and improving its access to world markets. The project involves trade facilitation and corporatization of the client, introducing the concepts of accountability and cost recovery in readiness for TSA's conversion into a commercially managed autonomous entity.
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- Year
- 2018
- Справка о морской экспедиции в Туркменском секторе Каспийского моряTue, 05/06/2018 - 10:59Данная экспедиция выполнялась Министерством охраны природы Туркменистана в рамках проекта ЕС/ТАСИС «Мониторинг качества воды Каспийского моря и разработка Плана действий для зон повышенного загрязнения». Экспедиция началась 1 ноября 2008 г.
- Description
Данная экспедиция выполнялась Министерством охраны природы Туркменистана в рамках проекта ЕС/ТАСИС «Мониторинг качества воды Каспийского моря и разработка Плана действий для зон повышенного загрязнения». Экспедиция началась 1 ноября 2008 г.
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- Year
- 2018
- Iran 2016 Population Census DataTue, 05/06/2018 - 10:38Results from 2016 population census in Iran providing details of population and demographics,+8
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Results from 2016 population census in Iran providing details of population and demographics,
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- Year
- 2018
- The Legal Status of the Caspian SeaMon, 23/04/2018 - 19:33The presented book represents an attempt to identify comprehensive solution to the problem of the international legal status of the Caspian Sea. The unclear legal situation of the Caspian Sea and the consequent uncertainty of the coastal states about the issue of territorial demarcation, their uncertainty about the extent of
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The presented book represents an attempt to identify comprehensive solution to the problem of the international legal status of the Caspian Sea. The unclear legal situation of the Caspian Sea and the consequent uncertainty of the coastal states about the issue of territorial demarcation, their uncertainty about the extent of their sovereign rights to the exploitation of natural resources and the uncertainty of the neighboring states with regard to shipping in the Caspian prevent continuous economic development of the region, destabilize political situation and result in a lack of security in the Caspian region. These issues are not merely of regional, but of a global importance. This is the way the research is being continued by scientist all over the world.
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- Year
- 2015
- The Caspian Sea EncyclopediaMon, 23/04/2018 - 19:29“The Caspian Sea Encyclopedia” is the second one in the new series of encyclopedias about the seas of the former Soviet Union published by Springer-Verlag. The first volume – “The Aral Sea Encyclopedia” was published by Springer in 2009. The series will be continued by “The Black Sea Encyclopedia” in 2010.
- Description
“The Caspian Sea Encyclopedia” is the second one in the new series of encyclopedias about the seas of the former Soviet Union published by Springer-Verlag. The first volume – “The Aral Sea Encyclopedia” was published by Springer in 2009. The series will be continued by “The Black Sea Encyclopedia” in 2010.
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- Year
- 2010
- Climate Change Synthesis Report - 2014Mon, 23/04/2018 - 19:02The Synthesis Report distils and integrates the findings of the three Working Group contributions to the Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the most comprehensive assessment of climate change undertaken thus far by the IPCC: Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis;
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The Synthesis Report distils and integrates the findings of the three Working Group contributions to the Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the most comprehensive assessment of climate change undertaken thus far by the IPCC: Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis; Cli- mate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability; andClima- te Change 2014: Mitigation of Climate Change. The SYR also incorpo- rates the findings of two Special Reports on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation (2011) and on Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation (2011).
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- Year
- 2014
- Synthesis and strategy for attracting and engaging the private sector, in particular the oil, gas and transport industry in the implementation of the Tehran ConventionMon, 23/04/2018 - 18:38The present synthesis paper will provide an overview of past and present private sector support, it will compare and summarize the five national analysis reports and on the basis of the specifics in each country will make suggestions for next steps to attract further engagement.
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The present synthesis paper will provide an overview of past and present private sector support, it will compare and summarize the five national analysis reports and on the basis of the specifics in each country will make suggestions for next steps to attract further engagement.
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- Year
- 2014
- Concept of creating the Atlas of the Caspian Sea and its coasts - Presentation by Prof. MammadovMon, 23/04/2018 - 17:52Presentation by Professor Ramiz M. Mammadov (Institute of Geography, NANA). The Institute of Geography of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences have the honour to propose the development of the Atlas of the Caspian Sea (electronic and paper version), w
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Presentation by Professor Ramiz M. Mammadov (Institute of Geography, NANA).
The Institute of Geography of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences have the honour to propose the development of the Atlas of the Caspian Sea (electronic and paper version), which aims to be a product of international scientific collaboration among the five Caspian states. The Atlas should serve the purpose of collecting and maintaining a comprehensive data on the state of the environment of the Caspian Sea and lay the scientific foundation for the environmental monitoring programme and implementation of other provisions of the Convention and its Protocols.
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- Year
- 2015
- National Convention Action Plan NCAP 2012Sun, 22/04/2018 - 20:06National Convention Action Plan NCAP of the five Parties - Year 2012+9
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National Convention Action Plan NCAP of the five Parties - Year 2012
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- Year
- 2012

Nature Protection Law of Turkmenistan / Охрана окружающей среды и природопользование в Туркменистане

Пернатые гости города (эссе) - Feathery Guests Essay
Каспий теңізінің теңіз ортасын қорғау жөніндегі негіздемелік конвенциясын орындау туралы қазақстан республикасының баяндамасы

Caspian Environment Programme - Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis Revisit (2007)

Caspian Environment Programme - Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis for the Caspian Sea. Vol. 2 (2002)

Caspian Environment Programme - Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis for the Caspian Sea. Vol. 1: Executive Summary and Environmental Quality Objectives (2002)

Map of Sediments of the Caspian Sea

Map of Population by Number and Cities in the Caspian Sea

Oil Production & Consumption 2006-2016

Natural Gas Production and Consumption 2006-2016

Map of Caspian River Basin

Turkmenbashi Port Master Plan

Справка о морской экспедиции в Туркменском секторе Каспийского моря
Iran 2016 Population Census Data

The Legal Status of the Caspian Sea

The Caspian Sea Encyclopedia

Climate Change Synthesis Report - 2014

Synthesis and strategy for attracting and engaging the private sector, in particular the oil, gas and transport industry in the implementation of the Tehran Convention

Concept of creating the Atlas of the Caspian Sea and its coasts - Presentation by Prof. Mammadov