Conference of the Parties and Meetings
Sixth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Tehran Convention.
19–21 October 2022Baku, AzerbaijanConference of the Parties
19–21 October 2022Baku, AzerbaijanSixth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Tehran Convention
TC/COP6/1Agenda of the COP6 EN RU TC/COP6/1/Add.1Annotated Agenda EN RU TC/COP6/1/Add.2revOrganization of Work EN RU TC/COP6/1/Add.3List of Documents EN RU TC/COP6/1/Add.4List of Observers for the COP6 EN RU TC/COP6/2State of implementation of the Decisions and proposals on the Location and Arrangements for the Secretariat of the Tehran Convention EN RU TC/COP6/4Priority Actions for Implementing the Auxiliary Protocols: Note by the interim Secretariat EN RU TC/COP6/5Second State of the Caspian Environment Report: Note by the interim Secretariat EN RU TC/COP6/revTerms of Reference and Arrangements for National Convention Liaison Officers (NCLOs): Note by the interim Secretariat EN RU TC/COP6/7Collaboration with CASPCOM: Note by the interim Secretariat EN RU TC/COP6/8revProgramme of Work and Budget 2023 - 2024 EN RU TC/COP6/9Ongoing Project Preparations and Other Possibilities for Cooperation: Note by interim Secretariat EN RU TC/COP6/10revMinisterial Statement and Decisions of the Sixth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Framework Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Caspian Sea EN RU TC/COP6/11revWorking Group on (Environmental) Monitoring, Assessment (and Information Exchange) (abbreviated as WGMA): Note by interim Secretariat EN RU TC/COP6/12Civil Society Engagement, Astrakhan Statement and Recommendations, Caspian Day Forum: Note by the interim Secretariat EN RU TC/COP6/13Unified Reporting Format: Note by the interim Secretariat EN RU TC/COP6/14Regional Project "Addressing Marine Litter in the Caspian Sea Region": Note by the interim Secretariat EN RU TC/COP6/15Activities Towards the 20th Anniversary of the Signing of the Tehran Convention: Note by the interim Secretariat EN RU TC/COP6/16Tehran Convention Website: Note by the interim Secretariat EN RU TC/COP6/18Protocol on Monitoring, Assessment and Information Exchange to the Framework Convention for the Protection of the Marine environment of the Caspian Sea: Note by the interim Secretariat EN RU TC/COP6/19Place and Date of the Seventh Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Framework Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Caspian Sea: Note by the interim Secretariat EN RU TC/COP6/Info1Requirements for Credentials and Full Powers for the Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Framework Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Caspian Sea: Note by the interim Secretariat EN RU TC/COP6/Info2Information for Participants EN RU TC/COP6/Info3List of Participants EN RU TC/COP6/Info3 Add.1Registration Form EN RU TC/COP6/Info5Collaboration with Espoo Convention: Note by the interim Secretariat EN RU TC/COP6/Info6Collaboration with the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), Report of the Regional Workshop to Facilitate the Description of Ecologically or Biologically Significant Marine Areas in the Black Sea and Caspian Sea: Note by the interim Secretariat EN RU TC/COP6/Info7Implementation of the Framework Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Caspian Sea: Report by the interim Secretariat EN RU -
Extraordinary Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Tehran Convention
19–20 July 2018Moscow, Russia -
Fifth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Tehran Convention
28–30 May 2014Ashgabat, TurkmenistanConference of the Parties
28–30 May 2014Ashgabat, TurkmenistanTC/COP5/1 Rev.1Provisional Agenda EN RU TC/COP5/1/Add.1Provisional Annotated Agenda EN RU TC/COP5/1/Add.2Provisional Organization of Work EN RU TC/COP5/1/Add.3List of Observers EN RU TC/COP5/2Implementation of the Framework Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Caspian Sea: Report by the interim Secretariat EN RU TC/COP5/3 Rev.1Protocol for the Conservation of Biological Diversity: Note by the interim Secretariat EN RU TC/COP5/4 Rev.1Protocol on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context: Note by the interim Secretariat EN RU TC/COP5/5Framework for the Implementation of the Caspian Environmental Monitoring Programme (EMP): Note by the interim Secretariat EN RU TC/COP5/6State of the Environment Reporting: Note by the interim Secretariat EN RU TC/COP5/8Venue and Date of the Sixth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties EN RU TC/COP5/9Updated Programme of Work and Budget EN RU Annex 1Agenda EN RU Annex 2List of Documents EN RU Annex 3Protocol for the Conservation of Biological Diversity to the Framework Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Caspian Sea EN RU Annex 4Decision on the Location and Arrangements of the Tehran Convention Secretariat EN RU Annex 5Ministerial Statement and Decisions EN RU TC/COP5/INF.1Credentials and Full Powers EN RU TC/COP5/INF.2 Rev.2List of Documents EN RU TC/COP5/INF.4Cooperation between the Tehran Convention interim Secretariat and the Permanent Secretariat of the Commission on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution: Note by the interim Secretariat EN RU TC/COP5/INF.5Meeting Report on the Black Sea – Caspian Sea Ballast Water Management Activities: Note by the interim Secretariat EN RU TC/COP5/INF.6Recommendations and Analysis Based on the Comments by the Aarhus Convention Secretariat on Public Participation under the Tehran Convention: Note by the interim Secretariat EN RU TC/COP5/INF.8Information for Participants EN RU Registration Form EN RU List of Participants EN RU -
Fourth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Tehran Convention
10–12 December 2012Moscow, RussiaConference of the Parties
10–12 December 2012Moscow, RussiaTC/COP4/1Provisional Agenda EN RU TC/COP4/1/Add.1Provisional Annotated Agenda EN RU TC/COP4/1/Add.2Provisional Organization of Work EN RU TC/COP4/1/Add.3List of Observers EN RU TC/COP4/2Report by the interim Secretariat EN RU TC/COP4/3Protocol on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context: Note of the interim Secretariat EN RU TC/COP4/4Protocol on the Conservation of Biological Diversity: Note of the interim Secretariat EN RU TC/COP4/5Protocol for the Protection of the Caspian Sea against Pollution from Land-based Sources and Activities: Note of the interim Secretariat EN RU TC/COP4/6Convention Secretariat Location and Arrangements EN RU TC/COP4/7Caspian Sea Environmental Monitoring Programme EN RU TC/COP4/8Caspian Environmental Information Center EN RU TC/COP4/9Draft Programme of Work and Budget 2013-2014 EN RU TC/COP4/10Venue and Date of the Fifth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties EN RU TC/COP4/11Ministerial Statement and Decisions EN RU TC/COP4/12Final Act EN RU TC/COP4/13Final Report EN RU TC/COP4/INF.1Credentials and Full Powers EN RU TC/COP4/INF.2Recommendations of the Final Steering Committee Meeting of the GEF/UNDP ’CaspEco’ Project EN RU TC/COP4/INF.3Regional Contingency Planning Workshop for the Caspian Littoral States EN RU TC/COP4/INF.4National Convention Action Plans - Synthesis Report EN RU TC/COP4/INF.5National Public Participation Strategy - Synthesis Report EN RU TC/COP4/INF.6Regional Strategy and Action Plan to Implement the Ballast Water Management Convention EN RU TC/COP4/INF.7List of Documents EN RU TC/COP4/INF.8Information for Participants EN RU Registration Form EN RU List of Participants EN RU -
Third Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Tehran Convention
10–12 August 2011Aktau, KazakhstanConference of the Parties
11–12 August 2011Aktau, KazakhstanTC/COP3/1Provisional Agenda EN RU TC/COP3/1/Add.1Provisional Annotated Agenda EN RU TC/COP3/1/Add.2Provisional Organization of Work EN RU TC/COP3/1/Add.3Draft List of Observers EN RU TC/COP3/2Progress Report of the interim Secretariat EN RU TC/COP3/2/Add.1Amendments to the Organization and Documentation EN RU TC/COP3/3Protocol on Regional Preparedness, Response and Cooperation in Combating Oil Pollution Incidents: Note of the interim Secretariat EN RU TC/COP3/4Protocol on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context: Note of the interim Secretariat EN RU TC/COP3/5Protocol on the Conservation of Biological Diversity: Note of the interim Secretariat EN RU TC/COP3/6Protocol for the Protection of the Caspian Sea against Pollution from Land-based Sources and Activities: Note of the interim Secretariat EN RU TC/COP3/7Administration and Financial Management of the Tehran Convention EN RU TC/COP3/8Standard Reporting Format EN RU TC/COP3/9Public Participation Strategy EN RU TC/COP3/11Programme of Work and Budget EN RU TC/COP3/12Venue and Date of COP 4 EN RU TC/COP3/13Ministerial Statement and Decisions EN RU TC/COP3/14Report of the COP 3 EN RU TC/COP3/INF.1Credentials EN RU TC/COP3/INF.3CaspEco Steering Committee Recommendations EN RU TC/COP3/INF.4List of Documents EN RU Information for Participants EN RU TC/COP3/INF.6List of Participants EN RU Registration Form EN RU -
Second Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Tehran Convention
10–12 November 2008Tehran, IranConference of the Parties
10–12 November 2008Tehran, IranTC/COP2/1/Rev.1Provisional Agenda EN RU TC/COP2/1/Add.1Provisional Annotated Agenda EN RU TC/COP2/2/Rev.1Strategic Convention Action Programme EN RU TC/COP2/3Status Report on the Development of Priority Protocols to the Framework Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Caspian Sea EN RU TC/COP2/4Interrelationship between the Fisheries and the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Caspian Sea EN RU TC/COP2/5/Rev.2Convention Programme of Work EN RU TC/COP2/6Convention Permanent Secretariat Arrangements EN RU TC/COP2/7Place and Date of the Third Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Framework Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Caspian Sea EN RU TC/COP2/8Logo of the Tehran Convention EN RU Logo Proposals EN RU TC/COP2/INF.1Requirements for Credentials for the Meetings of the Conference of the Parties to the Framework Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Caspian Sea EN RU TC/COP2/INF.2List of Documents EN RU Registration Form EN RU TC/COP2/INF.5Final Report EN RU Annex 1Statement of Ministers EN RU Annex 2Strategic Convention Action Programme EN RU Annex 3Programme of Work, January 2009 - December 2009 EN RU Annex 4Rules of Procedure (amended) EN RU Annex 5Rapporteur’s Report on the Working Sessions EN RU Annex 6List of Participants EN RU -
First Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Tehran Convention
23–25 May 2007Baku, AzerbaijanConference of the Parties
23–25 May 2007Baku, AzerbaijanTC/COP1/1Provisional Agenda EN RU TC/COP1/1/Add.1/Rev.1Provisional Agenda and Working Documents EN RU TC/COP1/1/Add.3Provisional Organization of Work EN RU TC/COP1/1/Add.4/Rev.2Note by the Secretariat on Admission of Observers EN RU TC/COP1/1/Add.5Submission by the Islamic Republic of Iran EN RU TC/COP1/2Rules of Procedure EN RU TC/COP1/3/Rev 1Financial Rules EN RU TC/COP1/3/Add.1Submission by Turkmenistan EN RU TC/COP1/5Status of the Development of Priority Protocols EN RU TC/COP1/6Convention Work Programme EN RU TC/COP1/7Venue and Date of the Second Meeting of the Conference of the Parties EN RU TC/COP1/8/Rev.1Draft COP 1 Decisions EN RU TC/COP1/9/Rev.2Draft Ministerial Statement EN RU TC/COP1/INF.1Secretariat Note on Requirements for Credentials for the Meetings of the Conference of the Parties of the Framework Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Caspian Sea EN RU TC/COP1/INF.2/Rev.1List of Documents EN RU TC/COP1/INF.3Information for Participants EN RU TC/COP1/INF.4Provisional Programme EN RU Registration Form EN RU TC/COP1/INF.5Report of the Meeting EN RU Annex 1: COP 1 Decisions EN RU Annex 2: Statement of Ministers EN RU Annex 3: Rules of Procedure EN RU Annex 4: Financial Rules EN RU Programme of Work: June 2007-May 2008 EN RU List of Participants EN RU List of Observers EN RU -
Conference of the Plenipotentiaries
Conference of Plenipotentiaries for the Adoption and Signature of the Tehran Convention
3–4 November 2003Tehran, Iran