В этом разделе представлены общедоступные документы и файлы, загруженные заинтересованными сторонами и хранителями окружающей среды Каспийского моря.
- National parksпн, 04/16/2018 - 13:37It should be noted, that there did not exist National parks in the Republic of Azerbaijan before establishment of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources. In 2003 was established Zangazur National Park on the base of Ordubad National Park named after Academician Hasan Aliyev, Shirvan, Aggol, in 2004 Hirkan, Altiaghaj
- Описание
It should be noted, that there did not exist National parks in the Republic of Azerbaijan before establishment of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources.
In 2003 was established Zangazur National Park on the base of Ordubad National Park named after Academician Hasan Aliyev, Shirvan, Aggol, in 2004 Hirkan, Altiaghaj National Park, in 2005 Absheron National Park, in 2006 Shahdag National Park, in 2008 Goygol National Park.
In 2008, the area of Hirkan National park was enlarged to 40358 hectares.
On 25 November 2009 was created an area of 42797,4 hectares on the base of Ordubad National Park named after Academician Hasan Aliyev and Shahbuz State Nature Reserve in Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic.
Zangazur National Park was named after Academician Hasan Aliyev.Shahdag National Park was established in accordance with the decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated July 8, 2010. The area of Shahdag National Park was enlarged to 130508,1 hectares. Yalama Forestry Protection and Restoration Division was established in accordance with the decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated November 5, 2012 and enlarged to 11772,45 hectares and established Samur- Yalama National Park.
Currently, the area of the territory of National Parks is 3,7 %.
At the present there are carried out relevant works regard to establishment of new national parks, state natural reserves and is intended to enlarge the territory of Gizilagaj state natural reserve.- Attached documents
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- Год
- 2018
- Remediation of the Boyukshor lakeпн, 04/16/2018 - 13:34In December 23, 2013, a conference was hold about State Program of the total fulfillments on Baku city and its districts’ social-economic progress in 2011-2013 under the chairmanship of Ilham Aliev, the President of Azerbaijan Republic. Lake BoyukShor was polluted as a result of littering, discharging untreated sewage water,
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In December 23, 2013, a conference was hold about State Program of the total fulfillments on Baku city and its districts’ social-economic progress in 2011-2013 under the chairmanship of Ilham Aliev, the President of Azerbaijan Republic.
Lake BoyukShor was polluted as a result of littering, discharging untreated sewage water, leaking slops from oil industries. The coast line was polluted considerably with solid trashes and oil. On the basis of samples’ analysis was found out that the sediment layer of lake was extremely polluted with oil products. It is also to be found out that ecosystem and quality of water were seriously polluted according to the observations. It is expected to complete more analysis about quality of lake till December 2013. To be improved quality of Lake is the main work. It is necessary to be improved the environment and ecological situation for to renovate place of stadium and to make an enjoyable place for guests. The main goal is to make an acceptable condition of the east part of lake before beginning the European Games. The dam will be built which separate it into the eastern and western parts between the northern and southern shores for to allow partial restoration of the eastern part of the lake. The lake must be turned into the clear lake which has not any visible pollution, suitable to local ecosystem and esthetic vision. It is necessary to make relation between land and water, as well as, nature, life and functional use. In addition, the shoreline of the lake should look attractive and fit the design of the stadium.- Attached documents
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- Год
- 2018
- Applying of Information Technologies and Modern Methods to Hydrometeorologyпн, 04/16/2018 - 13:22
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- 2018